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When you do REIKI, you use your hands to channel the Universe’s energy for healing.

How do you receive this Universe’s Energy?

How do you save your own Energy?

Who do you heal?

These are basic questions for understanding REIKI. The therapists at Stress Management Center - Cocoa Beach understand that REIKI includes much more than just the healing , it leads to the the understanding of the infinite source of energy we have in the Universe, that we can use to balance ourselves, to heal our bodies and souls, and even transfer to someone else.

There are many ways of explaining what is the Universe’s Energy. They go from spiritual, religious to quantum physics explanations, and we could write many books on the subject.

Instead of explaining, we will take a shortcut and experience this energy. You can do it on many different manners, and as you try you will find which suits you better. For some people it is meditation, for others it can be music, dancing, walking, cooking, or anything that helps your mind to disconnect from your daily routines and problems and connect with your inner and superior self. Try those little practices and see if you can feel the Universe's Energy of Reiki:

1. Quieting your Mind – Beginning Practice

  • Find a safe, quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.

  • Sit comfortably in a chair that supports our back.

  • Place your hands in your lap or on the arms of the chair.

  • Become aware of your breathing

  • Concentrate on your breathing and let go of all other thoughts

  • As you start to feel settled, imagine that you are breathing in WHITE LIGHTS

  • As you breath out, acknowledge the PEACE and QUIETNESS

  • Continue until your body feel completely filled with white light and your mind feels rested.

  • Place your palms together in front of your heart, feeling grateful for the peace.

2. Feel it in the Nature

Besides breath, there are many simple ways to experience the flow of life through our bodies, hearts and mind. The easiest is nature - always there, always a manifestation of the atmospheric and nutritional energies of the earth and universe.

  • Go outside on a bright, sunny day and get comfortable.

  • Feel the warmth penetrating every cell of your body. Smile as you fill yourself up with this natural energy.

  • Open your ears to the sounds of birds singing, people in cars moving, lawnmowers, even trains in the distance. Let your smile grow as you think about all the movement of life and how you are part of it.

  • Let your eyes be bright with the sight of grass, flowers, bushes, clouds, potted plants, outdoor swings, all that is around you. Let your smile deepen as you feel yourself connecting to even the bee drinking the nectar of a flower.

  • Notice how connected you are to all these manifestations of life. Feel how free your spirit feels, how wonderful is the sensation of life moving through your body, how your mind is relaxed and peaceful.

Before you know it, you are so energized that you spontaneously get up and get busy. This is Reiki.

3. Do you like Poetry?

Have you ever read a book that so moves your mind and heart that you are inspired to creative action? Is there a song that calls you to feeling more intensely, more deeply, more honestly? There is energy behind words.

Want to feel Reiki, universal life energy, and the positive responses it brings? Find the right words. Or open yourself in a trustful manner to write them yourself: poetry, journalling, letters to your Highest Self, a personal song rising from your heart. These are all ways of personally experiencing what Reiki is, healing and freeing ourselves from any blockages that we think are in our way of happiness, contentment, health.

We have all been energized by hearing the right words at the right time. Words that make us feel whole, connected, pleased to be part of this universe.


Now that you understand that there is energy in the Universe available to be captured and used for healing and balancing whenever you want, you are ready to learns some other techniques and more about REIKI. Just follow our next posts!

You can also schedule a Reiki session or a Reiki Class at Stress Management Center - 321 783-5592 - 49 S Atlantic Ave - Cocoa Beach - Fl.

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